Climate Risk Reporting and Opportunities

How does your organization measure up in the changing business landscape caused by climate change? Environmental impact and resilience through ESG (Environment Social and Governance) and TCFD (Taskforce for Climate Financial Disclosure) reporting are increasingly becoming main decision factors in the capital market and financial industry. Converting general climate metrics into specific impacts on assets and operations, as well as actionable business-centric insights is a critical capability for staying ahead of these rapid changes. KR’s integrated approach for climate-risk evaluation provides a multi-tiered methodology consisting of regional climate models, insurance catastrophe models and detailed multi-hazard simulations of building-environment interactions. Our approach is designed to address tangible decisions involving CAPEX and OPEX investments, GHG emission accounting, and to guide strategic shifts to embrace the circular economy in real properties.


Critical Business Functions & Supply Chain Resilience


Designing for Resilience and Sustainability