Resilience is a Choice

Physical hazards and climate change – navigate through the noise using science-based approaches to help your organization thrive.


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70% of all extreme weather events in the world will become more likely or more severe under climate change. Major floods have more than doubled in the last two decades compared to the two decades immediately prior. Meanwhile, earthquakes in large urban hubs can incapacitate critical assets, disrupt supply chains, and halt logistical operations that impact businesses thousands of kilometers away.

Chart the Unknowns. Seize Opportunities in Uncertainty.

Flood, extreme weather, earthquakes, and tsunamis: the impact of a growing list of physical hazards to the vitality of organizations under the changing climate and globalization can be highly complex and unique. Using a combination of hazard science, network analysis and high-fidelity vulnerability simulations, Kinetica Risk turns the ever changing climate and hazard information into clear and actionable insights tailored to your portfolio and organization-specific needs. By quantifying impacts, identifying risk minimization options, and evaluating costs and benefits of different risk management strategies, we enable organizations to navigate the labyrinth of physical risk and future-proof your assets and business processes.

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